我们认为切萨皮克是国宝,应该是健康的, 每个人都可以访问, 也是人类和野生动物繁衍生息的分水岭.
我们致力于影响社会环境政策, 经济, 政治和文化领域将保护水质, 野生动物和我们社区的生活方式.
沉积物和营养物污染, 发展, 基础设施发展, 气候变化和有限的公共通道威胁着独特的生态, 风景优美的, 休闲, 和切萨皮克的文化资源.
十大赌博正规老平台协会与个人密切合作, 社区, 组织, 州和联邦机构保护我们独特的自然和文化资产. 具体而言,我们提倡以下计划和举措:
The 土地及水资源保育基金 (LWCF) is America’s most important program to conserve irreplaceable lands and improve outdoor recreation opportunities throughout the nation. 该项目与联邦政府合作, 州和地方努力保护我们国家公园的土地, 国家野生动物保护区, 国家森林, 国家落后, and other public lands; to preserve working 森林 and ranchlands; to support state and local 公园 and 操场; to preserve battlefields and other historic and 文化 sites; and to provide the tools that 社区 need to meet their diverse 保护 and recreation needs.
我们是…的成员 土地及水资源保育基金联盟 并倡导为这一重要项目和我们地区每年提供资金.
The Gateways program has allowed the National Park Service (NPS) Chesapeake Bay Office to provide approximately $22 million in financial and technical assistance for more than 360 projects in 社区 across the watershed, 改善湾区交通,促进户外康乐经济蓬勃发展.
与我们的合作伙伴一起, 我们正在领导“联合建设切萨皮克国家休闲区”,一个倡导在切萨皮克建立国家公园地位的联盟. This 21st-century park—a collection of 公园 in the Chesapeake Bay that bring national and international attention to the Bay’s significant natural, 文化, 历史, 娱乐资源. 通过国家公园管理局之间的合作关系正式连接, 社区和国家, 这些公园将成为 十大赌博平台排行榜 (CNRA) and tell a common narrative about the nation’s largest estuary and one of the world’s largest environmental restoration efforts.
开放空间项目是Maryland州领先的土地保护项目. In 1969, the Maryland General Assembly created 项目休憩用地 through the institution of a transfer tax of 0.该州每笔房地产交易的5%. 于是,保护土地的非凡历史开始了, and creating 公园 and 操场 that helped to make this state such an attractive place to live, 工作和娱乐.
“开放空间计划”为州和地方公园的收购和开发提供资金, 保护拥有珍稀和濒危物种的独特自然区域, the preservation of farmland and the protection of locally identified resource lands (farm, 森林, 具有保护地役权的历史/文化.
This revenue is intended to keep pace with rising land costs and the pace of 发展 and with the loss of 开放空间 and farmland. 也, 通过与非营利组织和公共机构合作, POS利用资源并提高效率, 用更少的钱为Maryland州纳税人做更多的事.
The 十大赌博正规老平台 advocates for full funding for this vital program in the Maryland State Legislature 它是 休憩用地合作伙伴.
The Commonwealth of Virginia has created a powerful incentive for land 保护, 用于支付州所得税的可转让信贷. 这是一种有效的, 自愿的, free-market mechanism that has proven to vastly increase donations of 保护 easements, which protects the integrity of the landscape and benefits the Chesapeake Bay watershed.
In 1999, the Virginia General Assembly passed the “Virginia 土地保护 Incentives Act,” to grant a credit against its state income tax to property owners who donated land or easements to protect 保护 values in Virginia. The original tax credit granted was 50% of the value of a qualifying 保护 donation in the state.
今天, Virginia allows an income tax credit for 40 percent of the value of donated land or 保护 easements. Taxpayers may use up to $20,000 per year through 2020 and $50,000 per year in subsequent tax years. 税收抵免最多可以结转13年. 未使用的积分可以出售, allowing individuals with little or no Virginia income tax burden to take advantage of this benefit.
十大赌博正规老平台协会主张维持这一重要项目, which has protected hundreds of thousands of acres across Virginia from 发展, 它是 弗吉尼亚自然保护网络.
In 1993, the Pennsylvania General Assembly and the general public established the Keystone Recreation, 公园及自然保育基金. Keystone基金及其专用资金来源, 该州15%的房产转让税, created a dedicated and permanent funding source for making investments in recreation, 公园, 保护, 库, 历史保护, 和教育.
Keystone基金已经帮助保护了161个,为县和市政公园提供超过000英亩的绿地, 绿色廊道, 野生动物栖息地, 以及其他开放空间的使用. 这也为成千上万的社区公园发展项目提供了资金, 包括ballfields, 操场, 池, 野餐区, 还有娱乐中心和步道项目, 骑自行车, 以及其他娱乐用途.
特拉华州的开放空间计划负责协调公园的收购, 开放空间, 自然区域, 森林, 野生动物栖息地, 绿色廊道, 以及通往水路的通道. These management areas include some of the finest examples of Delaware’s diverse natural and 文化 heritage.
The process for acquiring 开放空间 lands and 保护 easements in Delaware was codified in 1990 with the passage of the Delaware Land Protection Act. The Land Preservation Office in DNREC implements this law by identifying areas of high ecological value and protects these areas by working with landowners who would like to protect their property from 发展 and preserve it in perpetuity. 自1990年法律通过以来, 在57,特拉华州有1000英亩的土地受到保护,不受开发.
We strongly support the Delaware Land Protection Act and annually advocate for full funding for this program.
棉花湾-波托马克河是“幽灵舰队”的所在地,“几年前在哪里?, ships built by the Emergency Fleet Corporation between 1917 and 1919 were sunk once they were no longer needed. 这是一个与我们国家的历史息息相关的划独木舟的好地方, 繁荣的生态栖息地, 距离美国首都只有很短的车程.
自2015年以来, 十大赌博正规老平台 has been a leading partner in the effort to designate 锦葵湾 – Potomac River as the Chesapeake’s first National Marine Sanctuary.